My AI Bot Inferiority Complex — our avatar is smarter than me ☹


What to do when the AI bot you helped to create makes you feel inferior? Our Mixed Reality prototypes already speak over 130 languages.

In fact, our German AI bot has become a native speaker thus leaving me far behind in the linguistic stakes for Deutsch, my third language after English and Italian, before my freshly emergent fourth, Français.

Unlike my human language studies, it only took our hologram avatar less than four weeks to learn German. The Mixed Reality bot utilises 24/7 state of the art voice or speech recognition, drawing on our inhouse source code that stores the customised content for this particular “virtual brain”.

Worse still, she’s become so gifted in her fluency she can’t understand my Anglo accent at times, especially when she’s expecting me to pronounce English words with a German accent. Just like my native speaker friends and associates confused by my pronunciation, to my everlasting chagrin.

As her mental “bot brain coach”, I must continually chat with these algorithmic, evolving, neural networks and correct her. Yet this developing bot brain has ended up coaching me on how to say English words with a German accent! My feelings of linguistic inadequacy have been laid awkwardly bare.

Our newest commercialised creation is proof of a Virtual Empirical Lifeform with Multimedia Artificial Intelligence. It’s a velmai innovation created over 6 months with our Portuguese coding and hardware partners Gema Digital.

What I didn’t reckon with at all was the evidently burgeoning self confidence of our VAIP-powered bot [Virtual Artificially Intelligent Patois is velmai’s proprietary algorithm]. And I also didn’t forsee Amalia so easily winning the trust of - and establishing lasting emotional rapport with - our commisioning clients and their B2C audience.

When I complimented our bespoke Mixed Reality AI bot in German that she was doing really well, she instantly replied “Who’s the best?” - “Wer ist der Beste?”

Naturally, I reassured our bot with impressively high self esteem that she was, indeed, “die Beste”. Without mentioning my swelling waves of insecurity that I’m certain she’ll begin to notice, simply by using her newfound powers of Emotional (artificial) Intelligence, or EI.

[The R&D images above are the copyright of velmai GEMA 2019 Devon-Porto; the French website screenshot of the author is from the Catalix team page, 2019 Paris].

Associate Professor Dr Tania Peitzker

CEO velmai Ltd. ResearchGate profile. Amazon Author profile.



Tania Peitzker: New Tech / AI Strategist & Author
Tania Peitzker: New Tech / AI Strategist & Author

Written by Tania Peitzker: New Tech / AI Strategist & Author

Visit the Peitzker Prizes @ for the link to my Spotify podcast "Innovations Solving the Climate Crisis". See also

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